The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is honored to partner with the Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai to host an information session, introducing how foreign companies and individuals can benefit from supporting local charities in China.
In 2019, Tencent's September Charity Day event raised approximately 2.5 billion RMB for social projects across the country. The local community projects support a wide range of social causes including rural poverty, health, environment, gender equality, and LGBTQ issues. In addition to the rewards from supporting local communities, qualifying donations receive profile on Tencent's platform and companies can receive advertising benefits. Donations may also be eligible for relevant tax benefits.
This event will feature a senior speaker from Tencent, participating remotely, who will explain the rules and benefits around this year's Tencent Charity Day event, as well as the managing director of FuGuan Law Firm who will outline the legal space concerning donations to charities. Attendees can also meet with representatives from some of the registered foundations and local nonprofit organizations that will be featured on this year's Tencent platform.
Please RSVP before August 13, 2020
Consecutive interpretation (Chinese into English) will be provided at the event.