Event Details

Event Introduction

Transitioning from Information Technology (IT) to Data Technology (DT), China is in an exciting time of big data evolution. As an industry leader in China, Baidu has over fifteen years of experience in Search Engine and Big Data analysis, focusing on technological innovation, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data analysis and big data implications. With its advantages in massive data accumulation and advanced algorithm models, Baidu is here to share its knowledge on industry trends and consumer behavior within China through its use of big data. Join us for what is certain to be a very informative talk.

The following topics will be covered:
  1. Industry Applications of Big Data in the China Market
  2. Understanding Industry Trends and Consumer Behavior through Big Data
  3. Precision Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Marketing


中国的互联网行业已从IT时代转变到DT时代。随着大数据的普及,它已经开始渗透入生活工作的方方面面。作为中国的行业领袖,百度在数据积累,目标用户分析,模型算法及计算能力等方面有着强大的优势。 百度在这次的活动中将与嘉宾们分享他们通过大数据实现行业趋势洞察、客群精准触达、科学营销决策、风险危机防控等的应用和经验。

    1. 大数据在中国的行业应用
    2. 通过大数据了解消费者行为和行业发展趋势
    3. 精准营销和搜索引擎优化及营销


    • Danyi Chen (Senior Consult of Marketing Research Institute at Baidu China)

      Danyi Chen

      Senior Consult of Marketing Research Institute at Baidu China

      Danyi joined Baidu in 2010 and is the Senior Consult of Marketing Research Institute of Baidu China. A graduate from Peking University, Danyi worked in China Post and GanJi.com as an operating executive in Big Data management. Danyi has extensive experience interpreting industry trends and consumer behavior through the use of big data, as well as providing solutions in brand positioning and precision marketing. After joining Baidu, he led his team in the construction of multiple applications including a CMO Dashboard Application, communicating with the product team on market demands, and managing the operation of such applications in VIP clients.
      陈丹奕,现任百度总部营销研究院高级顾问。 毕业于北大,加入百度前曾任职于中国邮政集团、赶集网等大数据运营高管。2010年加入百度商业研究院,带领团队进行品牌数字管家工具的业务逻辑模型搭建,对产品团队输出需求,并进行VIP用户运营。 拥有多年数据分析挖掘经验,致力于将百度大数据能力应用于营销领域,在品牌策略方向上经验丰富,带领团队设计并主导开发多个营销大数据模型及相关咨询服务工具,开发的社会化倾听模型在多家汽车、日化、旅游类客户的战略框架执行中效果卓著。

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    Non-Member 非会员

    * Ticket includes coffee/tea and canapés
    * 门票包括饮料和点心

    Standard Price RMB 250
    Door Price RMB 250
    CanCham Member 会员

    * Ticket includes coffee/tea and canapés
    * 门票包括饮料和点心

    Member Price RMB 150
    Member Price (Pay at the door) RMB 150