With growth in the China market, foreign invested companies are making profit, and it is necessary to think about strategies for cash repatriation under the foreign exchange control context in China. This could be achieved by trade items (good sales) and also by non-trade items (service fee, royalty, dividend, and etc.). While it is known as the China cash trap, a problem faced by almost all foreign invested companies in China; it could be effectively solved through planning ahead. At the same time, you should also be aware of your investment protection. Join us now and learn more useful information about Cash Repatriation & Investment Protection from our experts!
Experts, Sally Xu who is a tax partner of Grant Thornton's Shanghai office, and Wesley Chan from BMO financial group will discuss the cash repatriation & investment protection opportunities.
The webinar will be host on April 3rd, Friday, at 2:00PM/14:00, China Standard Time.