
What will China's economy look like in the year ahead? This question is especially intriguing and complicated this year for the world's second-largest economy after a rough year full of anxieties over Covid-19 and beyond.

CanCham with FBCS(Finnish Business Council Shanghai) is pleased to invite Professor Bo CHEN from Huazhong University of Science and Technology to further analyze China's Economy. Following topics will be discussed:

1. China-US economic conflicts from trade war

2. China's Strategies towards External Pressure

3. What and Why is RCEP

CHEN received his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) in 2008, and is as a Research Associate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). His opinions about China's economy policies appear in various mainstream media such as CCTV, BBC, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and Lianhe Zaobao. Besides the central/federal governments of China, Canada and Australia, Dr. Chen has also given keynote speeches on China Macroeconomic Policies and Reforms to many leading business groups and think tanks such as the Goldman Sacks Group, HSBC, the Deutsche Bank, BAML, the Asian Society, and the Rhodium


未来一年中国的经济将会是怎样的?作为世界第二大经济体,中国在经历了Covid-19之后, 这个问题尤其有趣和复杂。

CanCham 与 FBCS(Finnish Business Council Shanghai) 一起邀请到华中科技大学的陈波教授对中国经济进一步分析。我们将讨论以下主题:

一. 贸易战带来的中美经济冲突

二. 中国应对外部压力的策略​

三. RCEP是什么以及为什么

陈波于2008在加拿大温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)获得经济学博士学位,是达拉斯联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)和太平洋经济合作委员会(Pacific Economic Cooperation Council)的研究助理。他对中国经济政策的看法出现在中央电视台、英国广播公司、经济学家、华尔街日报和联合早报等主流媒体上。除了中国、加拿大和澳大利亚的中央/联邦政府外,陈波博士还向高盛集团、汇丰银行、德意志银行、BAML、亚洲社会和铑等许多主要商业团体和智囊团发表了关于中国宏观经济政策和改革的主题演讲。


7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Registration 签到
7:45 PM - 8:25 PM
Presentation 演讲
8:25 PM - 8:45 PM
Q&A 问答
8:45 PM - 9:00 PM


  • Bo Chen (Research Associate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas & Senior Advisor of Jack Austin Center, Canada 美联储达拉斯分行客座研究员、加拿大Jack Austin Center高级顾问)

    Bo Chen

    Research Associate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas & Senior Advisor of Jack Austin Center, Canada 美联储达拉斯分行客座研究员、加拿大Jack Austin Center高级顾问


    Professor Bo CHEN received his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) in 2008. Dr. Chen is the Chutian Professor of Economics and the executive director of Institute of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He is also a research associate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and a distinguished fellow of the Jack Austin Center.
    Dr. Chen’s research interests are on International Economics, Economic Integration, and China’s Economy. He has published more than 20 renowned peer reviewed papers such as Journal of International Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economics Letters, the World Economy, and so on.
    Dr. Chen has been invited to give talks on economic reform issues to senior officers at the Ministry of Treasury and the Ministry of Commerce of China. Furthermore, he is a senior lecturer to the executives of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council on issues such as the GHM Great Bay Area Development, Belt & Road Initiative and SOE Reforms. His advice on economic performance and reform has been selected to report to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.
    Dr. Chen’s opinions appear on various mainstream media such as CCTV, Xinhua Media, Lianhe Zaobao, BBC, The Economist, and the Wall Street Journal. Besides the central/federal governments of China, Canada, and New Zealand, Dr. Chen has also given keynote speeches on China Macroeconomic policies and reforms to many leading business groups and think tanks such as the Goldman Sachs Group, HSBC, the Deutsche Bank, BAML, Citi Bank, BMW, Huawei, the Asian Society, the Rhodium Group, and CEPII.

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9th Floor, East Tower, M Place, 333 North Chengdu Rd, Shanghai
静安区成都北路333号 招商局广场 东楼9楼

Shanghai, China

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