
Escape the heat of Shanghai summer by joining us for an ice cold drink (or two, or three!) at the lovely Pistolera terrace.

和我们一起在Pistolera 露天平台上畅饮一杯冰饮(两杯,或者三杯!),在炎热的上海找个地方避避暑吧!

No worries about the sun, humidity, or the heat for we are fully prepared with canopy umbrellas, fans blowing in every direction possible, and more than enough cool drinks to ensure a fantastic evening including a live Latino band, socializing, and a special BBQ.


All attendees are entitled to one free drink and a chance to win a prize. Entrance for members is free with pre-registration and RMB 50 for non-members. For walk - in members, you might be asked to present your membership card.


Since the space is limited, please make sure you register beforehand to reserve your spot!


This event is proudly sponsored by our national airline - Air Canada.
This event is proudly sponsored by Air Canada 


Member Price Complimentary
Standard Price RMB 50