CanCham invites all students and their parents to its Education Fair which showcases the uniqueness of Canadian post-secondary institutions and the value of its member service providers to set them up for success at an intimate and exclusive event.
Canada is experiencing the highest growth in incoming Chinese international students each year (accounting for more than 13% of the student body) compared to other popular destinations. According to “Blue Book”, a government report published by the Chinese Ministry of Education, as of March 25, 2016, Canada was ranked 7th amongst the most popular overseas education destinations.
This event will help students learn about Canadian academic programs, understand what they are looking for in candidates and establish multiple aspects of their academic lives.
The fair is divided into two sections: an exhibition space for student service providers and post-secondary institutions to provide information one-on-one, and classrooms that will host seminars on topics ranging from student visas to relocation to admissions. Register today for entry.
此次的教育展主要分成两个部分:摊位展览以及讲座课程。主展览厅将提供参展人机会和不同的大专院校代表和留学业务相关公司 1 对 1 接触的机会。此次讲座课程内容丰富,课程内容包含留学相关不同的议题。例如,学生签证 以及 移民咨询。请点击此处登记报名。
Canada is experiencing the highest growth in incoming Chinese international students each year (accounting for more than 13% of the student body) compared to other popular destinations. According to “Blue Book”, a government report published by the Chinese Ministry of Education, as of March 25, 2016, Canada was ranked 7th amongst the most popular overseas education destinations.
This event will help students learn about Canadian academic programs, understand what they are looking for in candidates and establish multiple aspects of their academic lives.
The fair is divided into two sections: an exhibition space for student service providers and post-secondary institutions to provide information one-on-one, and classrooms that will host seminars on topics ranging from student visas to relocation to admissions. Register today for entry.
此次的教育展主要分成两个部分:摊位展览以及讲座课程。主展览厅将提供参展人机会和不同的大专院校代表和留学业务相关公司 1 对 1 接触的机会。此次讲座课程内容丰富,课程内容包含留学相关不同的议题。例如,学生签证 以及 移民咨询。请点击此处登记报名。