
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai is delighted to offer a free (for advance member registrations) first aid training session as part of its health and wellness series. This event is designed for those who wish to increase or reinforce their knowledge and skills in effectively responding to common and serious injuries or illnesses that may afflict themselves or others.

The focus will be on reviewing first aid principles and practical tips for immediate short-term treatments that require little technology and training to administer. Topics covered will include unconsciousness, choking, cuts and bleeding, burns, poisoning, head and neck trauma, musculo-skeletal injuries, stroke and cardiac/pulmonary emergencies. Time will be set aside for discussion and questions. Goodie bags and a raffle ticket will be given to attendees who pre-register! Don't miss out on your chance to win a great prize.

This First Aid training session will be run by Peter Lee, MD, an American family physician, with 20 years of medical education, training and work experience in the U.S. He is currently Medical Director of Urgent Care at Jiahui International Hospital, and previously a physician at the International SOS Clinic in Shenzhen, China.

Please note:

*Please Note: All fapiao requests must be sent to events@alumni.asia at least 24 hours before the event with the following details. All requested fapiao can be picked up at the event or the CanCham office (one fapiao per person). Cost for delivery of the fapiao will be the responsibility of the recipient.

  • Guest Name
  • Company Name
  • Fapiao Title
  • Tax Number
  • Fapiao amount requested (must be the amount paid)


6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
First Aid Training
7:45 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Networking & Drinks


  • Dr. Peter Lee (MD, Family Medicine, Urgent Care at Jiahui Health)

    Dr. Peter Lee

    MD, Family Medicine, Urgent Care at Jiahui Health

    Dr. LEE obtained his bachelor degree from Tufts University before going on to pursue his medical degree at the State University of New York in Brooklyn, graduating in 1996. In addition to completing a residency in family medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, where he was elected chief resident, he attained a fellowship in rural family medicine from Tacoma Family Medicine. Dr. Lee served as head physician for a community clinic in the south of Texas by the Mexican border. He also served as clinical director in Washington for 9 years, and was in charge of a number of urban primary healthcare clinics, including a clinic for the homeless, and an alcohol and drug rehabilitation residential facility. He provided care to hospitalized patients, including pregnant women requiring cesareans and their newborn babies. During this time he also took on the role of teaching medical and nursing students and trainees. Before joining Jiahui, Dr. Lee worked at the International SOS Shenzhen Clinic.

    李绍柏医生本科毕业于美国塔夫茨大学,并于 1996 年在纽约州立大学获得医学学位。李医生在美国贝勒医学院以住院总医师身份完成了全科医学的住院医师培训,并在塔科马完成了农村全科医学的医师培训。他曾在美国德克萨斯州南部与墨西哥交界处的一家社区诊所担任主任医师一职。之后,他在华盛顿先后任职于多家初级卫生保健诊所,并担任临床医疗总监长达 9 年。此外,他有戒断酒精和毒品的治疗经验。在医院工作期间,他接待过不同的住院病人,其中包括需要剖腹产的孕妇和新生儿;同时,他拥有带教临床医学、护理专业的学生和受训者的工作经验。加入嘉会前,李医生在中国深圳一家国际救援诊所工作过两年半。

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Member Door Price: RMB 50

Member Price Complimentary

Non-Member Door Price: RMB 100

Standard Price RMB 50