Event Details
Big data is only useful to marketers if used in a smart way, so how can you turn big data into smart data?
And how can you ensure that you profit from insights it can deliver?
In the 1st part of presentation, we’ll redefine ‘Big Data’, explain why quantity ≠quality, and also illustrate how weintelligently integrate big data from various sources (e.g. social media, mobile and internet metering data, etc.) with consumer reference data (e.g. Panel data, survey data, etc.) to create smart data.
In the 2nd part of presentation, two cases will be introduced, including how to create and use smart data via two methodologies. In the first case, we’ll talk about using smart data (big data source from social media channels) to understand the true impact of social media on brand imagery. In another case, we’ll explain how to use smart data (big data source from behavioural internet traffic data across websites via tracking software installed on the users’ devices) toallocate marketing resources on and offline to maximize impact on sales.