CanCham, together with Canadian Consulate,FBCS and BenCham, invite you to the Green Buildings and Sustainable Practices at On Air Space on October 19.
As competition in China fiercens in our 'new normal' era and market shares are threatened, it is becoming even more crucial for foreign companies to carve out a niche where they can stand out. In the construction industry, environmental solutions present a renewed opportunity. While adding value to a building, they can also be a key point of differentiation in terms of leadership among stakeholders and authorities such as The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD).
However, one considering building a factory in China with a green label certification will still come to question many aspects about it. From three different angles of the ecosystem โ the certifier, the project management company and the manufacturer itself, this panel will offer some clarity and perspective on some of these key topics.
Topics and content:
- Green building market overview and 2020 review and forecast
- LEED certification and its recent activities in the Chinese market
- What are the different types of green building certifications and how can they benefit the client?
- Opportunities in green financing: what are the current incentives available?
- Case study with personal experience in building a factory with green certifications: what was the process, benefits and challenges?
- Debate on the fundamentals of the green approach
Ticket includes canapes and beverages.