Tuesday evening July 30th, we have invited 3 VCs and 4 startup entrepreneurs to share with us their experiences and thoughts during their financial investment journey.
There will be interesting stories from 3 VCs – insights on what do they look out for in potential investment deals, investment philosophy, expectations and other key elements when investing in startups for sustainable and successful partnerships.
Also hear from 4 entrepreneurs who have either successfully raised funds or have been actively fundraising. They will share their experiences and tips in engaging investors pre- and post-investment critical to building sustainable and successful partnerships.
Price inclusive of dinner and will be served during the pre-event networking at 6:30PM. Come and join us for this wonderful event. Mark your calendar and register now! We all look forward to seeing you!
All fapiao requests must be sent to susan@cancham.asia before 2:00 PM, July 29th 2019 with the following details:
- Guest Name
- Company Name
- Fapiao Title
- Tax Number
- Fapiao amount requested (must be the amount paid)
We only provide fapiao before the event and all requested fapiao can be picked up at the event or the CanCham office (one fapiao per person).