
CanCham's HR Committee is pleased to invite you to its event "How Leading Employers Identify And Assess Top Talent." As the founder and CEO of a highly-regarded recruitment firm that's been placing top talent within global companies in China for over 20 years, Larry Wang will provide his insights and tips on how the most successful hiring managers identify and assess talent in this market. In particular, his talk will reveal:

  • The 3 most critical things that top employers and senior executives try to determine in any candidate
  • How to tell how well a person can really do what they say they can do
  • How to assess the strength of a person's soft skills
  • How to determine if someone is a good fit for your company and job situation

Whether you're an employer or prospective job candidate, Mr. Wang's hiring and talent assessment insights will help you perform better and raise your ability to get the result you seek in any job interview situation.

上海加中商会的人力资源委员会很高兴邀请您参加我们的"顶尖雇主如何识别和评估顶尖人才"活动。活动中,我们有幸请到Larry Wang——一个在中国与国际人才市场上寻找与放置顶尖人才超过二十年;中国一高口碑猎头公司的创始人和CEO——跟我们分享他对于成功招聘经理如何识别与评估人才的见解与窍门。特别是:

  • 雇主与高管选定候选人时必评判的3个关键点
  • 如何判断一个人真正做事的能力
  • 如何评价一个人的软技能水准
  • 如何确定一个人是否合适某公司或岗位情况


Please note:

All fapiao requests must be sent to susan@cancham.asia before 2:00 PM, September 4th, 2018 with the following details:

  • Guest Name
  • Company Name
  • Fapiao Title
  • Tax Number
  • Fapiao amount requested (must be the amount paid)

All requested fapiao can be picked up at the event or the CanCham office (one fapiao per person). Cost for delivery of the fapiao will be the responsibility of the recipient.


  • Larry Wang (CEO & Founder, Wang & Li Asia Resources)

    Larry Wang

    CEO & Founder, Wang & Li Asia Resources


    Larry Wang is the Founder and CEO of the career development website, zhishangwang.com, and Wang & Li Asia Resources, an international recruitment company which provides recruitment services to leading global companies operating in China.

    For the past 20 years, Larry has dedicated his career to the hiring, development, and success of Greater China’s international-caliber professional talent.

    Larry also provides his career development expertise and job market insights to top MBA programs, such as Harvard, MIT, Wharton, Stanford, etc., and Chinese-American professional organizations, such as NECINA (in Boston), NYTFA (New York Taiwanese Finance Association), and NAAAP S.F. (National Association of Asian-American Professionals). He is often sought to provide his business insights on management and human capital issues in Greater China by media, such as CNN, CCTV, Business Week, ICS, CBN Weekly, Forbes to name a few.



18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:30
20:30 - 21:00



Member Door Price: RMB 200

会员价格 人民币 150

Non-Member Door Price: RMB 300

标准价格 人民币 250