目标与内容 Objectives and Content:
在现今竞争这么激励的商业环境, 光依靠产品的独特性致胜是极不可能. 全方位地强化售人员的综合销售能力, 才能在竞争中获胜.
本课程的目的是帮助销售人员能在特别是大宗的业务的销售过程中, 面对买方的不同购买角色, 及应付着竞争对手严峻的攻击时,能掌握买方的购买心路, 从而有效地制定以人为本的, 更具针对性的, 更具竞争能力的销售策略, 让每一次与买方的接触 (接触方式有: 电话交谈, 电邮, 短信, QQ, 微信, 面对面会谈, 演示会等)都能赢得买方的认同或承诺,使销售过程逐步迈向最后成功---获取订单, 签约! 包 括 会 务, 资 料 费, 两顿午 餐 费,以及咖啡及茶水.
To maximize penetration of new and existing markets, your sales people need much more than simply selling skills. CanCham is delighted to present an open workshop on Developing Your Sales Strategy which will help your sales staff to penetrate and manage accounts; and learn advanced skills to gather information, analyze accounts and sell to the needs of multiple influencers and key decision-makers. Fee includes lectures, course materials, two lunches, tea and coffee.
时间 Time:
August 16 - August 17, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
参加对象 Target Group:
前綫銷售主管及銷售代表 Front-line sales managers and sales representatives
大纲 Outline:
- 顾客的购买心路历程 The decision making process of buyers
- 制定切入策略 Account entry strategy
- 竞争情況分析 Competition analysis
- 确认及处理业务危机事宜 Differentiating and handling the concerns of buyers
- 关注执行计划事宜 How to implement strategic plans
- 真实客户个案分析 Role play using real cases
*此培训将以普通话进行 This training will be held in Chinese.
Please note:
- Limited space - register ASAP!
- Want member pricing? Become a member today: www.cancham.asia/apply-membership/
All fapiao requests must be sent to susan@cancham.asia before 2:00 PM, August 15th, 2018 with the following details:
- Guest Name
- Company Name
- Fapiao Title
- Tax Number
- Fapiao amount requested (must be the amount paid)
All requested fapiao can be picked up at the event or the CanCham office (one fapiao per person). Cost for delivery of the fapiao will be the responsibility of the recipient.