Are you confused by the newly released Chinese individual income tax law? Do you want to know the best ways to save money and how your tax can be reduced?
The new individual income tax law that is officially implemented on January, 2019, provides special expenses deduction for caring for the elderly, children's education, treatment for serious disease and housing rent, and more. We will cover the following topics in the seminar:
- Background of China IIT reform
- What's tax impact for expatriate employees
- What's tax impact for local employee
- The Change of tax reporting
- Q & A
Fapiao Policy
All fapiao requests must be sent to susan@cancham.asia before 2:00 PM, January 29th,2019 with the following details:
- Guest Name
- Company Name
- Fapiao Title
- Tax Number
- Fapiao amount requested (must be the amount paid)
- All requested fapiao can be picked up at the event or the CanCham office (one fapiao per person). Cost for delivery of the fapiao will be the responsibility of the recipient.