
Year of the Tiger is just around the corner. CanCham will organize our first 2022 mixer during Chinese traditional Lantern Festival after the Lunar New Year. We will meet at a homey and modern location—Chili's Café & Bar. It is also a great opportunity to introduce our newly joined members, and catch up with what's new amongst the community. Moreover, we prepared some traditional Lantern Festival activities for everyone to interact with. Don't hesitate to join us for a night of fun and social networking!



18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:15
Buffet Dinner
20:15 - 20:30
Lantern Festival Quiz
20:30 - 21:00
Social networking

Chilli's Cafe & Bar


Chilli's Cafe & Bar

No.152 Tongren Road, Jing'an District
Shanghai, 中国

如果您有任何问题,请您联系Mia Fang




Member Price
会员价格 人民币 168
Non-member Price
标准价格 人民币 208

Fapiao Policy

Please send your Fapiao information, along with the event name and price of ticket to susan@cancham.asia to request e-Fapiao.

Please note that there is no refund for this event.